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WWG: Orion Special Event Live 31st May 2017

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October 22, 2018, 09:47:51 am Moonchild says: Ultimate Online Wrestling

To anyone who is interested…

Ultimate Online Wrestling is currently looking to expand its roster this year for Season 2 of our heavily story driven E-Fed that sort of reads and feels like a comic book. We’ve been open for 14 months and have posted 12 well written shows on the SteemIt platform. We have over 1600 followers on there and we use the platform to make a little money from the hobby that we love. We are a laid back E-Fed for adults and we only do about 1 show a month. There is a 2 Role Play limit per show with no word limit on individual role plays.

We are a unique E-Fed in that I reward my role player’s with the Crypto-Currency XP Coin which can be converted into Bitcoin on online exchanges. We also write and do our shows in a way that concentrates on an actual audience that reads our work on the SteemIt community network. So our work isn’t just consumed by people involved in the E-Fed, but also fans of our work on SteemIt and Twitter.

If you’re interested joining our roster and learning how we do things at Ultimate Wrestling you can join our discord channel link below. Our roster and staff are very friendly and willing to answer any questions you might have.

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Author Topic: WWG: Orion Special Event Live 31st May 2017  (Read 1039 times)
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Born to be Great

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« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2017, 07:59:16 am »

Finals Match
Triple Threat Match
Jason Richardson vs Scott Carr vs Dante Deranged

Jason McKenzie: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is the MAIN EVENT! The contest is scheduled for one fall!

The lights go out in the arena until "Darkness Falls" is played over the PA system.  The Entrance Ramp covers with smoke, as Jason Richardson slowly raises up from under the stage.  Jason has on his dark shades, bandana trench coat and black baseball bat in hand.  He looks over the crowd, raises his arms high into the air, then he continues his walk down to the ring.

Jason McKenzie: Introducing first, hailing from St. Louis, Missouri .. weighing in at two hundred and fifty-five pooounds! HE IS...THE FRANCHISE... JASSON RICHARDSON!

Jason slowly walks around to the ring steps, when on the apron he whipes his feet, and enters the ring.  Jason walks over to a corner in the ring, climbs the turnbuckle, he pats his chest, then raises his arms high in the air.  Finally he begins to take off his coat, as he music begins to die down.

The lights go out in the arena and the riffs ring loud and clear, as the heavy and aggressive intro of Metallica - Sad But True (Elite Force Revamp) begins playing.  The ominous, energizing beats of the song kick to high gear in as the entrance lights explode a rich deep red, blackened smoke creeps across the stage slowly. All audible hell breaks loose in the stands as the stage erupts into a wall of inferno, while the flames subside there is nothing on the stage, simply the rippling lights of the dying flames.  Then "CARR" appears on the big screen causing a wave of cheers from the fans.

MJ: The Man who Came from the Hall of Fame!

KZ: A Legend walks that aisle and this crowd is ecstatic!

Jason McKenzie: Hailing from Arnprior, Ontario Canada - by way of the Capital city, Ottawa!  Standing Seven Foot Two Inches - Two point One Five Meters Tall!  Officially weighed in at Four Hundred and Twenty Pounds, One Hundred and Ninety point Nine Kilograms!

Scott runs out from behind the curtain to an explosion of cheers!  Carr pretends to be forced backwards by their roars as a massive smile creeps across his face.  Even this man who was infamous for having some of the most brutal matches in company history, and a mean streak to excuse it all has no choice but to feel the joy of reemerging to the adoration of the fans.  He looks out over the audience, side to side, from the cheap seats to those sitting at ringside he takes a moment to take in the grandeur of the night. Carr seems genuinely humbled by their consistent reaction before their excitement gets the best of him and he roars back out at them like he use to!  Their adulation is his addiction and he shows his love as Carr pounds his fist over his chest before running a thumb across his throat.  His Hood pulled over his head. His head is rocking to the heavy tune and thumping drum runs.

Jason McKenzie: He is the Greatest Acquisition in WWG History!  He is WWG’s 2010 Rookie of the Year, the 2010, 2011 Wrestler of the Year , 2012 Beatdown of the Year - 2012 Tag team of the Year! WWG’s 9th Original Triple Crown Champion, 2013 Grand Slam Champion! The 2015 Reigning King of ****! And WWG's Record Setting Heavyweight World Champion!

Carr looks around at the throbbing voracious, destruction yearning Mob in attendance - and Roars a guttural, snarling, pumped up response out to them before he makes his way down the ramp.  He Lives for this!

Jason McKenzie: He is the Bar setting, Goal getting, Abominable, Indomitable, Harder than Hard Core, New Era Icon! The Body Bagging, Toe Tagging, Roughest Man in the Industry Today!

The audience again erupts as the lights around him ignite and Carr throws arms up into his devil horn high sign – before he tosses his hoodie to one side of the crowd and his hat to the other side. Carr makes his way to the ring slapping the hands of fans reaching out for him.

Jason McKenzie: HE IS.... Your WWG Hall of Famer - SCOTT CARR!

Carr gets to the ring where he stops at the steel steps and takes a long look at the audience before he ascends the stairs and lifts his leg over the top rope.  Carr steps into the center of the ring and holds the devil horns high in the air, then stomping his foot down – causing all four ring posts to explode up into balls of flame. Matt Thomas and the referee both keep their distance from Carr who settles back into his corner, taking a seat on the top turnbuckle as he prepares himself for this upcoming opponent as his music comes to an end. 

"One Second of Insanity" bursts onto the speakers and the crowd roars. From behind the curtain, Dante walks out slowly at first, but picks up speed a little.

Jason McKenzie: And their opponent, hailing from Realm of Insanity! Weighing in at two hundred and thirteen poouunds! He IS the THE ANGEL OF DEATH.. DANTE .. DERANGED!!

He stops at the top of the walkway, looking left and right, before raising his right arm to the roof as a set of pyro bursts from the ground just in front of him. After the smoke clears, Dante bursts through, and hits the ring running, sliding in and popping to his feet in a matter of seconds. He ascends a turnbuckle and raises a hand for the crowd, before dropping back down and awaiting his opponents. The three were evenly spaced apart, and the bell was signaled to ring!


The match was off to a start, and all three men began to circle the ring with one another. After standing around, wanting to see who was gonna make the first strike? It was Richardson who turned to Dante Deranged and quickly went at attacking him. An open fist was delivered to the head of Deranged, and a few more were followed up with. Soon enough, Richardson was pulled back from Deranged by Carr. He used his force to toss Richardson into the turnbuckle. Scott would follow up with a bunch of punches to the gut of Richardson, who instantly began to cover his abdomen. When he left his face open for free reign... He was struck in the jawline by Scott, and sent to the canvas. Scott turned around, and Dante Deranged had came with SUPERKICK! But Scott caught it, and the crowd popped for that moment. Scott looked at Dante with open eyes, and would forcibly push his boot back to the point where Deranged back bumped into the middle of the ring. When Deranged stood up, Scott threw his hand around the throat of Deranged and attempted to lift him on up for a chokeslam. But Deranged jumped to the side mid-air and would kick Scott in the abdomen. Scott refused to fully stumble over. But when Richardson decided to get back into the fight, coming out of nowhere with a jumping, spinning heel kick... He completely leveled Scott, knocking him off his feet and to the floor. Deranged turned around, and saw the look on Richardson's face and knew it was on. Before Dante could do anything though... Richardson went and slapped him across the face, and then kicked him in the abdomen before tucking him underneath the legs and lifted him on up. He kept Deranged elevated for a while, and then dropped down with a powerbomb. He held onto it, and the referee began to go for the pin count. '





Scott RETURNS THE FAVOR! Kicking Richardson in the head, causing him to tumble over. Scott would then go for the pin over Deranged. '






Deranged just had way too much time to recuperate and was back in the fray. Scott looked around, and the most open person to attack was Richardson, who at this time, was getting back up. Scott slowly walked over toward him and began to punch at him in the corner again. He backed up, and ran forward for a clothesline .. but Richardson ducked underneath! Scott turned around, and Dante Deranged was standing back on up ready to kick someone. Scott turned Richardson around, and Dante went for the ENZUGURI! Richardson ducked causing the foot to extend toward Scott .. but before it could go any further...Richardson had begun performing a roll up attempt on Dante Deranged! Before the ref could go down, Scott had been pulling Richardson off Deranged and threw him to the side. It was at this point, an unspoken bond formed for a short while.

MJ: Quick fast action here to start, and no real leverage being gained.

KZ: It looks like it might there be a silent contract being signed by Dante and Richardson!

With Deranged standing up and attacking Scott. Soon followed by Richardson going to attack Scott as well. The duo began to be just way too much for Scott, and soon double irish whipped him into the ring ropes. Upon his return the duo tried to swing a clothesline at him, but Scott simply ducked underneath. The two went toward the ropes, but Scott stopped. He simply turned around just in time and went to clothesline them both over the top rope and out of the ring! Now that they were out of the ring...The crowd popped hard!

MJ: Scott’s walking around like big man on campus!

The other two began to slowly stir back to life, and it's what drove Scott to turn around, and then look back at the fans. They began to egg him on, and he would oblige. He ran toward the ring ropes, and would return to perform an over the top rope suicide dive onto both Richardson and Dante Deranged! The three of them would simply crash into the floor. All laid out at the moment, trying their best to get back into the game. The referee couldn't count them out, because it was a Triple Threat Match and there must be a winner .. so the fans began to watch in anticipation. The first one stirring, surprisingly was Dante Deranged. But soon after he turned over... He began to pull himself toward the ring. Only, Scott was right there ..


The two got up and would eventually make their way back into the ring. Deranged rolled up in the ring and turned around. There was Scott, big as he could be. The two began swinging back and forth at one another, with the crowd "yaying" every time! They continued to do so, until it was Scott who had been gaining the upper hand. He placed Dante into a corner and would then take his arm and scaled the turnbuckle and then ring ropes. But as soon as he went to jump off? Richardson came and threw his body down on the ring ropes! The cataclysm effect caused Scott to go over the ropes and to the outside apron, then tumbling down onto the floor on the outside. Deranged was still free at the time, and Richardson ran up attempt to clothesline him. But Deranged would lift Richardson on up, and dropped him for a revere atomic drop. Richardson cried out for a moment, and Deranged would take his head and dropped him down on the canvas for a quick DDT! The crowd erupted, and Deranged simply threw his arm over top of Richardson, attempting to seal this one away!






Richardson managed to kick out of the attempt, and was barely in the match. Deranged looked shocked to say the least, and would then go to cover him again.






MJ: One more time?!




Richardson continued to show he didn't want to lose this one anymore than the next man, and Dante seemed to show respect for that. He eventually picked Richardson up, and placed him into the turnbuckle corner. Deranged soon backhand chopped the hell out of Richardson chest, Deranged nodded, and would perform another one. And another, and another, and one last good one! Deranged would then back up from the corner, only to run back to perform a running forearm strike! Deranged backed up, and Richardson would stumble on out into the middle of the ring. Only for Deranged to react with a belly to back suplex on Richardson! He had hit it, and walked over towards him to go for the pin .. buut .. Richardson continued to roll until he was on the outside of the ring. Deranged was in the ring alone, and began to smack the canvas. Upset with allowing for him to roll out of the ring. Deranged would then go toward the ring ropes, and exited out to the apron. Only for Richardson to jump up, swiping the legs of Deranged, and causing him to fall back on the apron and then onto the floor. Richardson picked him up and began striking him after this, never letting up. He took him to the announce table, and would smash his head onto the announce table. After doing so, he carried him to the apron .. and smashed his head on the apron. He wasn't done yet though! Richardson removed the covering to the announcers table, and would turn toward Dante Deranged .. nooo



Richardson ducked underneath that leg, picked him up .. and turned to drive him...


Richardson began to wipe his face and talk trash, only for Carr to sit straight up behind him. After turning his head to face Richardson, he stood up while Richardson trash talked Deranged and the fans. Soon enough, Richardson backed up into Scott .. and slowly turned around to see if it was really happening. Scott took Richardson by the throat, and walked him on over toward the Japanese announce table .. lifted him up...



And the crowd were back to popping for this, as Scott had a choice of who he could pin. Instead of going for Deranged, he turned his attention to his long-time rival, who knocked him off of the top rope. He lifted him up and threw him into the ring. He began following after him and would roll into the ring. Scott would go to cover Richardson for the victory.







Richardson barely managed to stay in this one, and you could indeed tell why this was the main event match. After kicking out of the move, Carr went and took Richardson and lifted him on up onto his shoulders. It was time to go for it! It was time for his final .. the end .. the CARR BOMB! After lifting Richardson on up, Richardson simply dropped down behind him and would quickly jump up for a neckbreaker! The two were down at the moment, and the crowd began to try and get the two favorites back into it with chants: "LETS GO SCOTT! LET'S GO DANTE! LET'S GO JASON!" And slowly .. but surely enough? Richardson began to twitch and move around. He finally had managed to sit himself up on his knees and looked back at the downed Scott one minute. But before you knew it, Scott had sat up like a man possessed! The crowd popped loud for this, and Richardson wondered what all the hub bub was all about. He turned around to see Scott ready and willing to end this match and grew a little scared for a brief moment. He couldn't believe it, and backed up to duck underneath the ropes. Scott was being held back by the referee while Richardson asked for them to be taken back. But soon enough, Scott had enough and grasped Richardson by the head and tossed him on into the ring again. Richardson saw Scott coming, but the referee had turned to check on Dante Deranged who was moving around. Richardson saw this moment, and would capitalize by sending a boot to the groin of Scott causing him to stumble over to the floor where Richardson would constantly show he was a big man too, by stomping him out while he laid there. Richardson headed over toward Scott, but was soon taken by surprise as Scott through his legs on up and began to try and lock in the TRIANGLE CHOKE submission on Richardson! Richardson began to struggle with the beginning, trying not to let it get locked in on him. But eventually, the hold was sealed!


The referee slid down and began to ask Richardson did he want to give up.  Richardson begins to maneuver around on the mat.  He’s showing a bit of his amateur wrestling background and gaining the right amount of leverage.  He actually lifted the four hundred pound Carr and dropped him down for a powerbomb! Scott refused to let go, so Richardson once again had to gather up some strength .. and began to stand right back up again. Richardson began yelling out a battle cry while spinning around with Scott in his arms to get him dizzy. And before you knew it, Richardson dropped him right back down for another powerbomb! This time, Scott had let go .. but Richardson had also damn near faded at that point and couldn't move. Therefore, he laid on top of Scott in an awkward position. But the referee saw that the shoulders were down and slid in there to make the pin valid!






Nothing of the sorts! Carr, through it all? Managed to throw his shoulder up into the air, to release the pin and officially kick out. The crowd had been into this match since first blow and couldn't take their eyes off of it. Soon enough, Dante Deranged was rolling back into the ring and pulling Richardson into the middle of the ring. When he did so, he covered him!






Scott performed a diving axe handle to break the pin up, and Richardson simply laid there hurt. Deranged had managed to stand up and stared Scott in the eyes. He began pointing at him. "YOU THINK I'M AFRAID OF YOU?! I CAN BEAT YOU, Scott!" With Scott simply standing there with a huge grin on his face. It soon dropped into a face of evil, as Dante Deranged stood looking worried. Deranged would go to attack Scott but was struck in the face with a blow unexpected from Scott Carr. Scott would then take Deranged arm and pushed him into the ring ropes and then forced him to the opposite corner. But when coming back, Deranged shoulder blocked Scott and threw him to the floor. He quickly went for the cover on Scott Carr, but it just wasn't happening! He quickly kicked out, and Deranged would instantly roll on over to the side and waited for Scott to stand back up. As soon as he did stand back up, though? Deranged would go to kick him in the abdomen but then Carr lifted him up... GORILLA PRESS! Deranged turned to look towards the fans and then back to Carr .. BUT THEN BACK TO THE FANS AS HE SAW Richardson COMING WITH A DROPKICK TO THE FACE! Deranged reluctantly dropped Scott, and fell to the floor himself. The two big stars were down, and Richardson began another battle cry raising his arms and showing his dominance to everyone in the arena! Richardson goes to lift Scott up to a stand, but as soon as he does so? Scott seems to come back from the dead. He grasps Richardson by the throat, and walks him around the ring for a minute. Just as he's about to lift Richardson on up for a chokeslam?


Scott is leveled with the knee and sent to the canvas, rolling outside of the ring. Richardson turns to Deranged and attempts to clothesline him, only for Deranged to duck underneath. The two began to exchange in a series of back chops and punches. But Richardson begins to come out on top! SUPERKICK! .. Deranged hit the canvas, but slowly tries to get back up .. and Richardson continues to whip into him for a moment! But Deranged isn't a punk, and continues to try and fight back with everything thrown at him. Before you know it, Scott Carr is back in the ring and as soon as he gets in? He begins to go for Richardson, throwing punches toward him, and then going to Deranged and throwing punches his way. After that, he turns back to Richardson and performs a big boot on him. Deranged comes a swinging, but Scott simply lifts him on up for a sidewalk slam. Scott gets up into the middle of the ring and the other two are slowly standing back up to their positions. This is when Richardson pretends to attack Scott, only to bypass him and go for Deranged. Richardson takes advantage of the just slammed Deranged .. and performs the SPEAR! Dante Deranged is dropped to the floor and Richardson turns to see a big boot from Scott. But Richardson manages to side step it and gains momentum boost to lift Carr up and actually perform the...



The referee slides down there to make the count!





BUUT Scott KICKS OUT! Richardson backs up, and Scott aggressively sits up from his position. After getting up he slowly turns and begins to go after Richardson. He begins to attack him with a few punches and then takes the left arm and begins wrenching it. After wrenching on the arm for some time .. Scott turns to the turnbuckle and decides to go for what he tried with Deranged in the beginning. Scott slowly begins to make his way up the turnbuckle an- .. BUT WAIT .. OUT OF NOWHERE, Dante Deranged HITS A THUNDEROUS EUROPEAN UPPERCUT SCOTT! Scott IS TAKEN OUT OF THE GAME! HE'S OUT COLD! Richardson turns around just in time to receive yet ANOTHER EUROPEAN UPPERCUT! The momentum of Deranged uppercut sends Richardson into the second and Richardson rebounds back...then Dante lifts Richardson on his shoulders ...TORMENTED TORTURE DRIVER!


Dante goes for the cover!







Jason McKenzie: Ladies and Gentlemen, your winner via pinfall! EL ANGEL DE LA MUERTE.. DANTE DERANGED!

Dante gets to his knees as he just realizes he just won the match.  Carr looks on from the outside, as he has come up just short.  Richardson has rolled out to the apron of the ring, still down from the TTD!  Frederick Kavanagh begins to make his way down to the ring.  Frederick has a giant trophy cup in his hand.  The referee finally raises the hand of Dante who stands to a standing ovation for the fans in the arena.  Carr on the outside also begins to clap for Dante.  Frederick sits the cup on the apron and gets into the ring.  He has trouble lifting the trophy cup into the ring from the apron, so Carr gives him hand lifting the cup over the top rope, then he himself enters the ring.  Frederick presents the cup to Dante and accepts the cup and holds it up .  The moment is filled with camera flashes from all over the arena as Dante does a full 360 in the ring for all the audience to see.  When he makes a full revolution, he turns and Jason has pulled himself up using the ring ropes.  Dante puts the cup down on the ground and waits for Jason’s reaction.  Jason looks around the crowd that has gone silent.  Jason gingerly walks over to Dante and raises his hand.  Carr grabs the other hand and raises it, as the logo appears in the corner.

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Hall of Famer:
(Jason Richardson & Mr. Kennedy)
4x WWG Champion:
(Jason Richardson 3x, Dolph Ziggler 1x)
2x Pure Pride Champion:
(Dolph Ziggler 1x, Mr. Kennedy 1x)
1x Orion Champion:
(Dolph Ziggler)
3x Tag Team Champion:
(Jason Richardson 1x, Mr. Kennedy 2x)
1x Nxt-Gen Champion:
(Joe Hennig)
2012 Feud of the Year:
Contingent vs. Legends
2012 Storyline of the Year:
Contingent vs. Legends
2012 Impact Debut:
Dolph Ziggler
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