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+-World Wrestling Generation Chat
October 17, 2022, 02:23:05 pm The Wretched Nobody says:
March 23, 2022, 12:12:04 pm J-Dub says: Just popping in to leave my message that I actually visited again
December 07, 2021, 10:21:41 am Doug says: December 6th 2021. Been a long ass **** time. I miss the lot of ya. Hope everyone is doing well in their own stuff right now.
August 15, 2020, 05:29:37 pm Rayven_ says: ph34r....
July 29, 2020, 10:48:23 am Steven James says: But it's okay, cuz who doesn't love bitches?
July 29, 2020, 10:47:02 am Steven James says: You're all a bunch of BITCHES
December 14, 2018, 01:10:05 am KXNG says: I miss this old place sometimes
December 08, 2018, 12:21:10 pm NudeKoreanModelWhoSpeaksPortuguese says: din javla fitta
October 30, 2018, 12:41:30 pm J-Dub says: I just realized that I must of spent a lot of time here because i added 3 other hobbies.
October 22, 2018, 09:47:51 am Moonchild says: Ultimate Online Wrestling

To anyone who is interested…

Ultimate Online Wrestling is currently looking to expand its roster this year for Season 2 of our heavily story driven E-Fed that sort of reads and feels like a comic book. We’ve been open for 14 months and have posted 12 well written shows on the SteemIt platform. We have over 1600 followers on there and we use the platform to make a little money from the hobby that we love. We are a laid back E-Fed for adults and we only do about 1 show a month. There is a 2 Role Play limit per show with no word limit on individual role plays.

We are a unique E-Fed in that I reward my role player’s with the Crypto-Currency XP Coin which can be converted into Bitcoin on online exchanges. We also write and do our shows in a way that concentrates on an actual audience that reads our work on the SteemIt community network. So our work isn’t just consumed by people involved in the E-Fed, but also fans of our work on SteemIt and Twitter.

If you’re interested joining our roster and learning how we do things at Ultimate Wrestling you can join our discord channel link below. Our roster and staff are very friendly and willing to answer any questions you might have.

Discord Channel: r/

Below are some of our shows so that you can get a feel for my writing style and our story-lines.
View Shout History
Question: I want to run a secondary character and I am looking for some input
High Priest Alastor Obsidian
“The Chief” Jahknow Jidenna
**** your creativity we barely tolerate Wretched Nobody

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Author Topic: Need some help...  (Read 509 times)
The Wretched Nobody
Hand in hand until the edge of Oblivion.
Creative Team

Karma: 331
Offline Offline

Gender: Male
Wrestler: The Wretched Nobody
Hometown: The Danvers State Lunatic Asylum, Salem Massachusetts
Weight: 344 lbs
Height: 6ft. 11in.
Finishers: Lobotomy, Trephination.  Sedative, Creeping in the Dark
W/L/D Record: You keep track if you really want to know - I'm busy winning matches.
Posts: 2345

Down for Life, Marked past Death!

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« on: October 29, 2017, 10:51:11 pm »

.:: World Wrestling Generation Contract ::.
C H A R A C T E R  .  A P P E A R A N C E

Pic base:
Tobias Forge

• Wrestlers Name •
High Priest Alastor Obsidian

• Nickname(s) •
-The Paragon of Purity
-the Antichrist
-One true Voice of the Angel of Light
-King of the Bottomless Pit
-Archdruid for The Children of Shadows Congregation

• Hometown •
Poughkeepsie, New York

• Height •

• Weight •

• Alignment •

• Theme Music •

Gregorian- Engle (Rammstein cover)

• Entrance Desciption •

• Character Background •
(The Church of Satan is a religious organization dedicated to Satanism as codified in The Satanic Bible. The Church of Satan was established at the Black House in San Francisco, California)
• Finishing Moves •

Bottomless Pit

(Deep Six)

Leviathan Cross

(Ice Pick)

• Signature Moves •

The Hex

(Black Mass)

[color=][ S A M P L E | R O L E P L A Y ][/color]
Place sample in here - It can be of any past rp you have done.

O O C | I N F O R M A T I O N

• Name:

• Years E-fedding •

• How Many feds are you currently in? •

• Do you understand all the rules and regulations? •

How did you find out about WWG? -

• Additional Information that could be useful •

Obviously this idea isn’t all the way fleshed out but he’s a satanic high priest who has his legion of druids at his disposal.

.:: World Wrestling Generation Contract ::.
C H A R A C T E R  .  A P P E A R A N C E

~“The Chief” Jahknow Jidenna~


~Entrance Mask~

Pic base:
Jarrod Gomes of Hed (PE)

• Wrestlers Name •
“The Chief” Jahknow Jidenna

• Nickname(s) •
“M.C. Hed”
“The Chief”
“Bad Rabbit”

• Alter Ego •
 Chief of the Humanonymous

• Hometown •
Jerusalem, Israel.
31.7683° N, 35.2137° E

• Height •

• Weight •

• Alignment •

• Theme Music •
(As “The Chief” Jahknow Jidenna)

Bad Rabbits "How High"

(As “Chief of the Humanonymous”)
Jidenna - “Long Live the Chief.”

• Entrance Description •

(As “The Chief” Jahknow Jidenna)

Bad Rabbits "How High"

The arena lights sweep out from the stage and across the arena as the uplifting sounds of Bad Rabbits’ "How High" swells in the arena.  The curtain flies as Jahknow runs out to the middle of the stage wearing a Guy Fawkes mask.  He whips his hood back off his head and throws his arms out from his side - high stepping knees to chest before planting his feet, and clasping his hands like he’s holding a gun in front of himself firing at the ring announce as he rocks his head to the uplifting beats of the music.

(As Chief of the Humanonymous)
Jidenna - “Long Live the Chief.”

• Character Background •
Jahknow Jidenna is a 31 year old Israeli-American of Afro-Brazillian descent who is best known for being a professional wrestler, martial artist, gymnast, political activist, truther.  He’s a former IDF soldier, and US Master Chief. Jahknow served proudly with the Sayeret or reconnaissance units in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) nomenclature, where he specialized in intelligence gathering and surveillance. In practice, he was a special forces reconnaissance commando.

Jahknow’s personality is as big,  He's a fast talking savvy activist who approaches the audience like a rally to move the people.  Jahknow even has an entirely different style from most,  both in and outside the ring.  In both cases he's hard hitting, lightning fast, and adores taking spirits higher whenever possible.  Jahknow attacks randomly and tirelessly keeps a match high throttle.  He's daring, fearless and ready for a fight.  But he’s also Joyous, empathetic, and all about Peace, Love and Happiness to all Good People.

• Finishing Moves •
Ricin Prescription
Spike DDT/Guillotine Choke/Pin Combination

Buck Wild
Moonflip Double Stomp

• Signature Moves •

Truth Movement
Shotgun Dropkick

Hed Shot

Overdose of Reality
Running Snap German Suplex

Grappling Move set:
-Running shooting star press
-Standing sitout shiranui
-Vertical suplex twisted and dropped into a facebreaker knee smash
-Facebreaker knee smash followed by a jumping neckbreaker
-Elevated cradle neckbreaker
-Tilt-a-whirl tornado DDT
-Double knee backbreaker
-Double underhook piledriver
-German suplex in spider bridge
-Inverted Exploder suplex
-Lifting single undertook DDT(sometimes from the top rope)
-Fireman's carry double knee gutbuster
-Lifting inverted DDT
-Overhead gutwrench backbreaker rack dropped into a double knee gutbuster
-Sling Blade

Aerial Arsenal:
-Suicide somersault senton
-Arm twist ropewalk elbow drop, w/ theatrics
-450° splash
-Corkscrew 450° splash
-Springboard somersault hurricanrana
-Springboard moonsault
-Top Rope Diving elbow drop

Submission Moves:
-Americana Armlock - Americana Keylock
-Americana Armlock Escapes - Americana Keylock escapes
-Anaconda Choke
-Anaconda Choke Escapes - Anaconda Choke defense or counter
-Ankle Lock - Achilles Lock or Foot Lock
-Ankle Lock Counter - Achilles Lock counter or Foot Lock counter
-Armbar From Guard
-Armbar From The Mounted Position - Armbar from mount
-Armbar From Side Control
-Armbar Defense - Armbar defenses or Armbar escapes
-Arm Triangle
-Armless Triangle
-Banana Split
-Bicep Slicer or Bicep Crusher
-Brabo Choke or D'Arce Choke
-Brabo Choke Escapes
-Butterfly Guard
-Butterfly Guard Counter
-Butterfly Sweep
-Calf Crusher or Calf Slicer
-Clock Choke
-Clock Choke Escapes
-Cobra Choke
-Crucifix Choke
-D'Arce Choke or Brabo Choke
-Double Ankle Grab Sweep - Double Ankle Sweep
-Double Ankle Sweep Counter - Counter to the Double Ankle Sweep
-Double Leg & Single Leg Takedown
-Elbow Crank
-Elbow Escape From Mount
-Elevator Sweep
-Electric Chair
-Ezekiel Choke
-Ezekiel Choke Defense
-Flying Armbar
-Flying Scissors or Scissors Throw
-Flying Triangle Choke
-Granby Roll
-Guillotine Choke
-Guillotine Choke Escapes - Defenses against the Guillotine Choke
-Half Nelson
-Handstand Sweep
-Headlock Escapes
-Heel Hook
-Heel Hook Escapes
-Helicopter Armbar
-Hip Crank
-Hip Throw
-Hook Sweep
-Kimura From The Guard
-Kimura From The Side Mount
-Kimura Defense
-Knee Bar From Closed Guard Position
-Knee Bar from Side Control
-Knee Bar Defense
-Knee On Belly Escape - Knee on stomach escape
-Leg Ride
-Macarrao Sweep - Another overhead sweep technique
-Neck Crank
-North South Choke
-North South Escapes - A variety of north south escapes
-Omoplata Shoulder Lock
-Overhead Sweep
-Passing The Half Guard
-Peruvian Necktie
-Push Sweep - Push kick sweep
-Quad Crush
-Rear Mount
-Rear Mount Escapes
-Rear Naked Choke
-Rear Naked Choke Escapes - Rear naked choke defense
-Rear Takedown
-Reverse Armbar From Mount
-Rolling Armbar
-Rolling Knee Bar
-Rubber Guard
-Sambo Knee Bar
-Sambo Leg Lock
-Scarf Hold
-Scarf Hold Escapes
-Scissors Sweep
-Sickle Sweep
-Side Control Escapes
-Single Leg Takedown
-Sleeve Choke
-Sleeve Choke Escapes
-Spider Guard
-Spider Guard Sweeps
-Standing Elbow Crank
-Standing Guard Pass
-10 Finger Choke or Ten finger guillotine
-The Three Fundamentals of Takedown
-Toe Hold
-Toe Hold Escapes
-Triangle Choke
-Triangle Choke Escapes
-Triangle Choke Escape From Guard - Defense against triangle choke
-Trunk Strangle or Trunk Squeeze - Judo's Do-Jime
-Turtle Attacks - How to attack an opponent who is in the turtle guard/position.
-Turtle Escapes - How to escape an attacker when you are in the turtle guard/position.
-Turtle Guard or Turtle position
-X-Guard Sweeps

Strikes & Kicks:
-Cheeky Nandos Kick & Roll up Pin combo.
-Pendulum kick from out of the corner (as a counter to an oncoming opponent)
-Knee drop, sometimes to back of the head.
-Running knee strike to a cornered opponent
-Diving double foot stomp to the back of the head of a bent over opponent
-Diving double foot stomp
-Diving double foot stomp, to a tree of woe hung opponent
-Jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick
-Overhead kick
-Multiple kick combination variations
-Drop Kick Expert**
-Enzuigiri to an opponent sitting in the top turnbuckle
-Pelé Kick (Overhead)
-Running front drop kick
-Soccer kick to the chest of a standing opponent, from the ring apron

[color=][ S A M P L E | R O L E P L A Y ][/color]
Lance Hoffman:

Jah Kno:

O O C | I N F O R M A T I O N

• Name:

• Years E-fedding •

• How Many feds are you currently in? •

• Do you understand all the rules and regulations? •

How did you find out about WWG? -

• Additional Information that could be useful •
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The Wretched Nobody

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King of the Noobs, flock to me and learn to be great!
Creative Team

Karma: 45
Offline Offline

Gender: Male
Wrestler: Alastair Morrison
Hometown: I'm all Scottish all the time
Weight: 357lb or 25.5 st
Height: 6'8"ft or 2.07m
Finishers: "843"
W/L/D Record: 1-0-0
Posts: 5893

Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light.

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« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2017, 02:01:52 pm »

Can’t we vote for one of these and still barely tolerate Wretched?
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Jakob Hystaria   (1998 – 2014, 2011 – 2014 WWG)
Marcus Collins (2014 – 2016?)
Alastair Morrison   (2017 – Current)

World Heavyweight Champion x4 and Current (JH x1, MC x2, AM x1)
Carnage Champion x5 and Current (Ascension x1, MC x3, AM x1)
Tag Team Champion x3 (JH x1, Ascension/ Hystaria Foundation defect x2)
Absolute Champion x1 (Ascension)
All Star Champion x1 (JH *dubbed Asylum World Heavyweight)
King of H@rdcore (Creator) – Jakob Hystaria
King of H@rdcore (Participant) x6 (JH x4, MC x2)
King of H@rdcore (Winner) x1 (JH)
Triple Crown Champion x2 (JH, MC)
Grand Slam Champion x1 (MC)
Hall of Fame x1 (JH Co2015)

Yearly Awards
2011 - Most likely to become WWG Champion (JH)
2012 - Wrestler of the Year (JH)
2012, 2016 - Match of the Year  (JH v Slipshod; Tied Crazy 8 Match MC and T2S WHC at Revolution MC)
2012 - Tag Team of the Year (JH FSU)
2012, 2014, & 2016 - Feud of the Year (JH Youth v Legends; MC Authority v WWG; MC v Trine Larson)
2012 Champion of the Year (JH)
2014 - King of the Mic   (MC)
2015 - Most likely to make an impact in ’16 (MC)
2016 – Heel of the Year (MC)
2016 – Champion of the Year (MC)

Staff Awards   
2011 & 2012 - Best Staff Member
2012, 2014, 2016 - Storyline of the Year
2012 & 2014 - Member of the Year
2012 - Most Helpful Member
Staff Hall of Fame Induction 2013
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