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Missing Person Update

+-World Wrestling Generation Chat
October 17, 2022, 02:23:05 pm The Wretched Nobody says:
March 23, 2022, 12:12:04 pm J-Dub says: Just popping in to leave my message that I actually visited again
December 07, 2021, 10:21:41 am Doug says: December 6th 2021. Been a long ass **** time. I miss the lot of ya. Hope everyone is doing well in their own stuff right now.
August 15, 2020, 05:29:37 pm Rayven_ says: ph34r....
July 29, 2020, 10:48:23 am Steven James says: But it's okay, cuz who doesn't love bitches?
July 29, 2020, 10:47:02 am Steven James says: You're all a bunch of BITCHES
December 14, 2018, 01:10:05 am KXNG says: I miss this old place sometimes
December 08, 2018, 12:21:10 pm NudeKoreanModelWhoSpeaksPortuguese says: din javla fitta
October 30, 2018, 12:41:30 pm J-Dub says: I just realized that I must of spent a lot of time here because i added 3 other hobbies.
October 22, 2018, 09:47:51 am Moonchild says: Ultimate Online Wrestling

To anyone who is interested…

Ultimate Online Wrestling is currently looking to expand its roster this year for Season 2 of our heavily story driven E-Fed that sort of reads and feels like a comic book. We’ve been open for 14 months and have posted 12 well written shows on the SteemIt platform. We have over 1600 followers on there and we use the platform to make a little money from the hobby that we love. We are a laid back E-Fed for adults and we only do about 1 show a month. There is a 2 Role Play limit per show with no word limit on individual role plays.

We are a unique E-Fed in that I reward my role player’s with the Crypto-Currency XP Coin which can be converted into Bitcoin on online exchanges. We also write and do our shows in a way that concentrates on an actual audience that reads our work on the SteemIt community network. So our work isn’t just consumed by people involved in the E-Fed, but also fans of our work on SteemIt and Twitter.

If you’re interested joining our roster and learning how we do things at Ultimate Wrestling you can join our discord channel link below. Our roster and staff are very friendly and willing to answer any questions you might have.

Discord Channel: r/

Below are some of our shows so that you can get a feel for my writing style and our story-lines.
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Author Topic: Missing Person Update  (Read 438 times)
The Wretched Nobody
Hand in hand until the edge of Oblivion.
Creative Team

Karma: 331
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Gender: Male
Wrestler: The Wretched Nobody
Hometown: The Danvers State Lunatic Asylum, Salem Massachusetts
Weight: 344 lbs
Height: 6ft. 11in.
Finishers: Lobotomy, Trephination.  Sedative, Creeping in the Dark
W/L/D Record: You keep track if you really want to know - I'm busy winning matches.
Posts: 2345

Down for Life, Marked past Death!

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« on: December 16, 2017, 06:11:24 pm »

________________________________________The Road Re-Birth: Chapters for the Yuletide Narcosis_________________________________________


::Jackson Green::
Hello ladies, and gentlemen thank you for joining me tonight - I have the very unfortunate responsibility to inform you all - one of WWG’s top performers has disappeared.  There is an unexpected and unusual aspect to this, though.  This is a WWG Future Hall of Fame Competitor who has become memorable and distinguished for his ability to disappear…. Yes ladies, and gentlemen - The Wretched Nobody has gone missing.  Of course we will be staying with this, and I have been reassured that the WWG production staff are scrambling to put together anything they can find that might help solve this untimely disappearance.

Police has reassured us Incidents involving abductions and murders are extremely rare… at this time we are asking that no one panic.

We've all heard that the first 12-24 hours are the most critical in an active missing persons investigation, The longer it takes for a case to be reported and become an active investigation, the less likely a positive outcome will occur. The police operations to find them can be high-profile and extensive. Vital clues may be found in the first few hours after someone disappears.

As I did, you may wonder; how do police decide which cases to prioritise?  The Missing Persons Bureau, based at Bramshill Police College in Hampshire, is the national and international point of contact for all missing people and unidentified body cases. They are usually informed of cases after 72 hours if the missing person has not been found, but high-risk reports are escalated sooner.  They typically receive somewhere between 850 and 1,000 cases a month - 5% of the incidents reported to police - and can provide the police with a sort of profiling service. Using data from 3,000 previous cases, the bureau are able to advise police forces about the most likely places to find missing people, taking into account their gender and age.

For more insight on the matter I went straight to a source - I spoke to a Mr. Todd Matthews departmental lead and project manager for Strategic Analysis from the National Missing and Unidentified Persons System, or NamUs, a national database for missing people.

The feed changes to show us a man sitting in an office.  The place is warm, elegant, and furnished anew.   There is a big, green leather chair and in it presumably the man we're waiting to hear from. He's a tall and slender man, from his messy brown hair down to his worn combat boots. one of which rests on the opposite knee.  He adjusts his clipped on microphone nervously.  He's uneasy by how ad hoc this all is, yet his eyes remain warm, a range of soft colours. Reminiscent of sweet caramel accentuating his freckled face. Lilac bags hung under them, ageing him quite a bit.

::Todd Matthews::
The police spend 14% of their time looking for missing people so what makes a case rise immediately to the top of the list? The first thing police have to establish is the level of risk to the person who is missing. As people rarely go missing without a reason, police forces are advised to consider "missing" as an indicator of a problem in someone's life, rather than an event in itself. The speed and scale of the initial police response is thus decided. 

Everyone missing is divided into low, medium and high risk. If it's a disappearance that's out of character, that would raise the risk. Police review known hazards and look at other factors related to the person's ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender and sexuality.  High-risk cases require the immediate deployment of police officers, the appointment of an investigating officer, a press strategy, family support, and notifications sent to the Missing Persons Bureau.

People go missing for a very wide range of reasons. There are those who are lost from misadventure, they go out and get lost. There are those who have decided to leave - perhaps they've got stresses at home, relationship problems, financial problems. Or there are those who go missing unintentionally. The majority of missing people are found within the first 48 hours, but hundreds are not.

At any given moment, there are as many as 90,000 missing persons in the U.S.  60% of missing people are adults over 18, 40% of missing persons are juveniles.  52% of missing persons are male, 48% of all missing persons are female. The average was found by reviewing the last 10 years of data from the NCIC database; there are 750,000 missing persons cases each year, More than 600,000 missing people were reported in 2016 - That's down since 2004, when there were 830,325 missing persons entered into the NCIC database.  If you're looking for children under 10, boys are more likely to be found outside and girls are likely to be found inside.  In terms of 15 to 16-year-olds, 30% came back to where they'd started from without any police intervention. Just under 30% went to friends' houses, and 14% were found walking the street. In terms of distance travelled, 80% of them were found within 40km. So it just tells you that 'missing' is a very local issue. They are most likely to be found very close by.

If someone you know is missing, call 911 and report it as quickly as possible, there is no mandatory time period that you need to wait to file a missing persons report. You can also report the missing person to NamUs, which will verify the information with law enforcement and list it on the NamUs site.

::Jackson Green::
No one is ever prepared for the nightmare that comes when someone you love goes missing. As the Left for Dead investigation shows, families can wait decades without knowing what really happened. On television, police shows tell us that cold cases can be solved in under an hour; in real life, police and coroners may not have the tools, time or expertise to pursue a case where clues are few – or nonexistent.

The former Three Time World Champion was last seen December 11th and with the December 29th Carnage quickly approaching and a rematch already booked where we’ll see The Wretched Nobody taking on Ashton Stone in the same No Disqualification setting which The Wretched Nobody has remained completely undefeated… since it was announce that Drake Storm was banned from ringside - obviously there are some serious concerns floating around that they may have some kind of involvement in these unforeseen circumstances.

Although The Wretched Nobody’s disappearance is not currently being investigated as a suspicious incident, it is a Top Story of WWG and I’ll be following this story as it unfolds…

« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 07:57:49 pm by The Wretched Nobody » Report Spam   Logged

The Wretched Nobody

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